What do I cover dryer vent hole with?

The Question:

My 30+ y/o dryer died and I had it hauled off and won’t be buying another for awhile (I’m retired, on my own, and trying to save every last cent). What do I cover dryer vent hole with? (need frugal suggestions please). Junk hauler told me to stick old rag or T-shirt. Can I use something like cardboard and duct tape? Thanks

What did people say?

  • ⇒ Mckay: I’d maybe put some steel wool in it too so animals can’t chew through it.
  • ⇒ Angie F: Steel wool and duct tape. Mice and rats can't chew through steel wool.
  • ⇒ Nancy: $10 and you can buy a cap in the furnace duct aisle.
  • ⇒ Connie: My husband covered ours with a sheet of metal and screwed it to the floor on all corners. We taped over the hole first with duct tape so any insects would get stuck to the tape and not wiggle through a minuscule crack. Nothing is coming in that hole.
  • ⇒ Kay: Steel wool/duct tape and then nail down an old cookie sheet or some other tin over it
  • ⇒ Michele: If you don’t fill with steel wool mice will chew threw and come inmate wire mesh and then steel wool them rags for the draft and duct tape and a plastic bags.
  • ⇒ Wendi T: Critters will find a way in with duct tape and cardboard pack it tight and you can use old rags and stuff just really pack it in tight. I'd cap it. You may have to look around your house and just get creative. Secure and creative if you can easily pull it out or gain access so can a raccoon or something
  • ⇒ Peggy: Stuff the hole with rags and tape plastic bag around it then put the cardboard up. To prevent outside air and critters from coming inside.


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