Even with unemployment and child support, I’m still around $400 short each month

 The Question:

I never had any real issues with debt, always felt in control of it and nothing was too out of hand. But 2 years ago my child’s father took me to court and I not only had that burden, but also had to pay the mortgage on my own and all the utilities and bills (I didn’t receive any child support for a year after filing) and through that time I racked up serious credit card debt (about $40k). 

I was doing “OK” but mostly paying minimum payments and more on them here and there when I could. 

Then in July I got laid off of my job of 10 years. Even with unemployment and child support, I’m still around $400 short each month and that’s not buying food or necessities, or anything at all. I’ve interviewed at several places and applied to over 100 jobs so far. I feel like I’m in a rut at this point and I’m trying to figure out the best way to get out of this situation with advice that maybe others have that have gone through something similar. 


What did people say?

  • ⇒ Tracy: You're not alone. Many people are in your situation. Maybe look into filing bankruptcy to get rid of the credit card debt and it would kind of give you a clean start even though you wouldn't have any credit but at least you'd be able to pay your bills.
  • ⇒ Angela: So I am not from the US but I always think that if I find myself in that situation ( I'm also a single mom) I would rent the house and move in back with my parents for a while, after clearing my debts with the money I'm not using to pay rent I'll move back to my house
  • ⇒ Diane: Bankruptcy was made for tough situations like this. Yeah it will hurt your credit for a few years but you will be able to feed and house your child. I had to do it once and it was a tough decision but the fresh start gave me the ability to take care of my kids. That was 15 years ago and I have great credit now and have never missed an obligation.
  • ⇒ Josie: Sometimes a career change neccessary.
  • ⇒ Traci: Pet sitting, babysitting, clean houses, do laundry for other people. Just get creative. And definitely go to food pantries.
  • ⇒ Margaret: Many companies are using AI (artificial intelligence) to screen resumes. Many resumes wont make it past AI unless the resume is written in a certain way. Research on how to write a resume in these modern times. Good luck.
  • ⇒ Paulette: You can go to court and file a downward modification for child support if you are making less money - you usually can do this pro se at the court - just fill out the form.
  • ⇒ Alexis: What about looking into temp agencies. I did that for a bit and had three job offers from temp jobs.


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