How do I engage people? People say they want to save but give up easily!

 The Question:

I am a couponer. I save quite a bit of money using them. Along with reward rebates and store rewards points from my credit cards and giftcards. I even have a app that contributes to my child 529 plan it’s like 1-2$ here and there for qualifying items but free for things I was buying anyway.

I want to have more of a online influencer presence but my group has a hard time getting members and the ones I do have dont engage, people say they want to learn but really what they want is me to resell to them for way cheaper. A, my apartment is too small not enough room to store to resell. B, I want this skill I learned to change peoples lives as it has mine but I can’t offer up my time and knowledge for free. This I had to learn research try and think outside the box.

I track my coupons and sales.

I have saved upward of 3,000.00 2023 so far not including rebates and rewards. And I only track the couponing not the stuff I save on clothes and whatnot etc.

How do I engage people? People say they want to save but give up easily.

Took me 3 years to get here. People ain’t trying to hear it. But will go to college for decades to make more money.

I am a college grad but I mean sure I wanna make more money but I also want to save the money im already making from my job.

What did people say?

⇒ Courtney: If you're trying to grow an online presence, not posting anonymously would be a start. I'm not trying to be a jerk, but you're missing the opportunity to making yourself be more known by doing that.

What apps are you using? Are you using trending songs/hashtags/etc? How often are you creating content? What are you doing now to engage with the followers you do have? What are you doing, if anything, to attract new followers?

⇒ Yzzy: Have you considered making a time-line of your couponing history? That 3 year span? Ultimately, you teaching teaching them should take them less than 3 years because you have the "cheat codes" to get them their faster. If you use your same school analogy plus the visual aid it will help. It might also encourage others to talk about where they are and their timeline.

Also, I recommend using tik tok as your basis to redirect people to your Instagram and FB. People like instant gratification, so getting a quick update in 30 secs or less is enough to catch interest and redirect them. Try to tie your giveaways to your page growth that way people will be inclined to recommend others for the chance of you doing another give away rather than just on a random Tuesday or holiday.

You can use Later to schedule your posts for social apps. Their lowest plan is $25. Yes it's spending but the cost of your time to post is more and it will make your content more consistent which is what is needed to grow. Think of this business venture as an investment into you, you're worth more than $25/month.

Also, you can create a free ChatGPT account and ask it to give you the top 10 questions people want to know about couponing and then use that as an additional basis in case the content youre posting about couponing is not interesting enough. It's an AI chat and is usually on par with the latest info.


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