How do you stick to a budget?

 The Question:

Every month I say our budget for groceries is $500. Every month we go over, sometimes by hundreds. Our budget is about to get really tight with student loans kicking in. We can’t afford to go over budget anymore on these various categories, but looking at our past spending we’ve never met my soon to be goals in any month. What are your tips, tricks, and facts about budgeting well?

What did people say?

⇒ Sarah: Idk if this is doable for you, but this is one option. Get $500 in cash split it up by week. Only keep 1 weeks work of cash on you. And only pay with the cash you have for the week.

  • ⇒ Nina: I stay away from big grocery stores, use small stores like aldis or save a lot, farmers markets, or you can buy meat from a farmer to have butchered but that’s a big upfront cost but a saver in the long run. We have some egg layers not for slaughter just eggs. And I grow what food I can but this year the bugs got it first. I will have to use a cover for all plants next time. You live and learn. I also add fillers to eat meal so we don’t eat as much meat. Refried beans is my favorite but rice, beans, noodles. I buy almond milk from the dollar store for $1 compared to Kroger at over $5. A grocery trip for us is usually multiple stores where I can get the cheapest product. Look around and see what’s cheapest when you aren’t shopping so you can make it faster when you are ready to shop. Cheese is so expensive that I only buy one pack per month for two people, we must make it last or go without. I also like to make cheap snacks like tuna salad with bread or crackers or a wrap, that way when dinner rolls around we don’t eat as much and one or both of us have leftover lunch for tomorrow. Good luck!
  • ⇒ Christina: Simple meals. Don't make things with a ton of ingredients. And use up all of the ones you have. I mean I'm still working on perfecting this but it does help. And also, balance expensive ingredients with cheap ones. Like meat with potatoes. Or chicken with rice.
  • ⇒ Angela: If you are able to save up and have the freezer space, I'd look into buying bulk meat. We are planning on buying 1/4 cow for the first time next spring when we get our tax money. It'll be about $1,000 up front, but from most of what I've read, it should cover our meat for the whole year, which makes it about $85/month. Then you'd still have $415 for all your other food.
  • ⇒ Lindsay: I make a meal plan every weekend by going through my fridge, freezer, and pantry and trying to utilize many ingredients that we already have. Then I do an online grocery order so I’m not tempted by impulse purchases and can see my exact total before checking out. I budget by how many weekends there are in a month because that’s how many grocery orders I will make.
  • ⇒ Lauryn: Cash/loaded cards with only the amount to spend on it.
  • ⇒ Rachel: We try to budget $125 a week for food. For me I feel like it’s easier to keep track of that way. I guess naturally that’s what I shop (I don’t sit and add up while shopping but that’s an option or I know some stores have scanners you can scan as you go.). If I spend $100 one week I can put the extra towards the next week or if I spend $150 one week it’ll be $25 less I have to spend the next week. I try to shop multiple stores in my area and only go to Costco mainly for dairy and eggs, formula, protein powder. I also try to shop my stores discount section for bread, cereals and a few extra random things they throw in there. We are a vegetarian family of 3 so thankfully are not hit with the rising costs of meat. Use what you have in the house fresh, frozen, dry and make a list/weekly menu based on that.
  • ⇒ Sarah: Grocery delivery- hear me out. When I actually go to the store I over spend because I have no idea How much I’m actually spending on groceries anymore. If I do a grocery pickup or delivery I know exactly what I’m spending when I checkout.


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