The bottom of my French press cracked!

 The Question:

It leaks and I’ve been using it with a big bowl underneath to avoid making a mess till I can afford something new (starting a job Monday!). Is there a cheap glue out there that’s safe to use on something like this? Or should I bite the bullet and buy a new one with my first paycheck… TIA

What did people say?

⇒ Kaitlynn: I had this same exact French press and it also broke on the bottom. sometimes spending a couple extra bucks for an item you know you will use well is worth it. I’m going for a stainless steel one this time around.

⇒ Gabbi: I would buy a new one. TJ Maxx has some for cheap. Or you could look into Temu.

⇒ Yolanda: I am willing to ship you my stainless steal one. Doctor took me off coffee so it is just taking up space. No cost to you it would make me happy to know it's being used. I'm in College Park, GA.

⇒ Melinda: I’d suggest joining your local Buy Nothing group-if you post ISO coffeemaker you’d be surprised how many people have spares lying around.

⇒ Louise: Bite the bullet you can get them relatively cheap at Marshall’s, target, Walmart, I paid $9.99.

⇒ Lyn: Go to salvation army or another not for profit thrift store. I have seen them for 2 dollars.

⇒ Lilly: Maybe you have another glass or cup that is the same size as your filter? I’ve done that before. it worked for a bit until I could get a new one. I wouldn’t try to fix it honestly. glass isn’t something to mess with when it breaks.

⇒ Elizabeth: Check out your local buy nothing group - maybe someone has a French press.


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