I’m trying to feed myself and teenage son on $50 a week

The Question:

I will have to go to the food pantry once a month. I want to try homesteading but I live in an apartment. I do have a patio but it faces north and I’m on the ground floor. 

So I have light but not direct sunlight and I live in Portland, OR. What ways can I homestead from home? I do bake and try to make as much as I can from scratch. I was also thinking of purchasing a large white board. 

Something to keep my on track with meal planning, etc. I just need to find ways to keep me busy so I can not spend and save money. 

Thanks in advance!

What did people say?

  • ⇒ Nancy: Look into micro greens. I understand they are easy to grow inside with s grow light, they grow quickly and don’t take up much space. They also sell for a pretty high price . You could eat them and sell them for extra income.
  • ⇒ Tanya: Try making omelets, all boys need to learn how to cook an omelette.
  • ⇒ Karen: I do a lot of crock pot meals and I eat them for 3 dinners a week. I know boys eat a lot however.


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